Powerful globalist hints Hillary might run for President in 2020

They say that if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again. But what happens if you don’t succeed the second time either? Is it time to call it quits and perhaps reevaluate your goals in life? Or do you try once more, saying and doing the same exact things that have led to your failure in the past? In the case of Hillary Clinton, she may be set to choose the latter in 2020, according to a campaign mega-donor.

Haim Saban, who has spent over $12 million in the effort to elect Hillary Clinton, says that people shouldn’t be so quick to assume that Clinton won’t run again in the 2020 presidential election. “Don’t assume anything. Don’t assume she won’t run,” Saban said in an interview with Israeli Channel 2. After her devastating defeat to Donald Trump this past November, Saban said that Clinton told him, “I let you down, my friend” to which he replied, “It’s the world you let down, not me.”

“My heart broke for her,” Saban went on to say. “She had to sit there and watch this man, and I know what she thinks of him, become president.”

Saban admitted that he wasn’t 100 percent certain what Clinton would do next, but assured viewers that she would stay politically involved in one way or another. “One thing I can promise you, to go back to tending her garden, she won’t do,” she said.

Hillary Clinton’s seemingly endless desire to become President of the United States is fueled by a number of things, from a feeling of jealousy towards her husband and former president Bill Clinton, to an inflated ego that has allowed her to convince herself that she is more important to the country than she really is. She feels that it is her turn, and that both her time spent in Washington DC and yes, her gender, qualify her to be the leader of the free world. Unfortunately for Hillary, that’s not how it works.

On the night of Tuesday, November 8, the American people sent Hillary Clinton a clear message that her divisiveness, class warfare rhetoric and big government policies were unacceptable, and that Donald Trump’s nationalist/populist ideology was far more preferable. This is the reality that Hillary is still struggling to comprehend. Simply spending a long time in Washington DC and endlessly reminding people that you would be the first female president isn’t enough to win a presidential election. (RELATED: Read more news about Hillary Clinton at Clinton.news)

If Hillary were to run again in 2020, the campaigns and the debates would look nearly identical to the election process leading up to November 8, 2016. But what happens if Donald Trump loses a significant amount of support between now and then? What happens if Hillary Clinton, on her third attempt, is finally able to break through and claim her spot inside of the Oval Office?

The concept of Hillary Clinton becoming the 46th President of the United States is one that makes constitutionalists panic and the Founding Fathers roll over in their graves. With Clinton as president, commander-in-chief and leader of the free world, America would, without a doubt, be a much different place than it is today.

As someone who believes almost religiously that government is the solution to anything and everything, Hillary Clinton would cripple our economy and destroy the very fabric of our society. The Constitution would be all but ignored, just as it was for eight years under President Barack Obama, and the rule of law would continue to become less and less relevant. Worst of all, liberty and individualism would be threatened, forcing conservatives, libertarians and constitutionalists to once again rush to the front lines of the battlefield to preserve this great country.



