Judicial Watch continues to dig up damning dirt on Hillary Clinton only to have the corporate media TOTALLY ignore it

The Washington, D.C. swamp is multifaceted, in that there are many levels and layers to it. But one of its basic tenets is that there are “insiders” and “outsiders,” and if you’re the former, then the rules of the game are that the rules don’t apply to you.

And let’s just say that Bill and Hillary Clinton are the ultimate Washington insiders, while Donald J. Trump and members of his administration are outsiders.

Nowhere is this more clearly demonstrated than by the fact that a special counsel is investigating bogus Trump ties to “Russia” — based on a false “dossier.” And all despite a lack of evidence after a year of FBI probing, but there are no similar investigations of the Clintons’ ties to Moscow, despite the fact that the evidence is lying about in plain sight.

As noted in an editorial by Investors Business Daily, scandals involving Hillary Clinton are only getting wider and deeper, and yet Team Trump is the target of Washington’s ire (and investigations):

Amid the trivial fault-finding by the media of President Trump’s every move, it’s important to note that the very same pundits who now rip Trump have completely ignored the growing scandal of Hillary Clinton’s pay-for-play tenure as secretary of state. It’s reasonable to wonder why no charges have yet been filed, yet the media, blinded by their Trump hatred, seem strangely incurious.

The editor goes on to cite the yeoman’s investigative work done by Judicial Watch, a conservative-oriented government watchdog organization that gave the Clinton fits during Bill’s presidential tenure in the 1990s. But don’t let the “conservative” label fool you; the group is asking legitimate questions after finding substantial evidence that the Clintons have layers and layers of swamp mud all over them.

Recently, Judicial Watch released 448 pages of documents obtained via Freedom of Information Act requests from the State Department, which took months and months and many FOIA requests. The records are highly revealing and highly damaging. They not only show a pattern of Clinton using her office as a pay-for-play scheme to solicit donations for her family foundation (as down payment for later favors when she became president — oops!), but that her practice of shaking down sheiks and other foreign leaders was much more prevalent than first reported.

In other words, the emails and documents recovered constitute prima facie evidence that a criminal prosecution of Clinton is warranted. So where is it?

The legal watchdog noted:

The documents included six Clinton email exchanges not previously turned over to the State Department, bringing the known total to date to at least 439 emails that were not part of the 55,000 pages of emails that Clinton turned over to the State Department, and further contradicting a statement by Clinton that, “as far as she knew,” all of her government emails had been turned over to the State Department.

Moreover, the documents show “new incidents of Huma Abedin, deputy chief of staff to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, providing special State Department treatment to major donors to the Clinton Foundation and political campaigns.”

For instance:

In July 2009, “in reference to the U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue,” the head of the foundation-tied Clinton Global Initiative, Doug Band, told Abedin she “need[s] to show love” to Andrew Liveris, Dow Chemical CEO. He asked that Liveris be introduced to Hillary, “and have her mention both me and wjc” — a reference to William Jefferson Clinton, the former president. Dow wound up giving between $1 million and $5 million to the initiative. (Related: SWAMP: Lawyer for Democrat IT worker arrested in D.C. has HUGE ties to the Clintons.)

In addition, Band pushed for Hillary to do Karlheinz Koegel a favor; he was a major donor to the Clinton Family Foundation. Koegel wanted Hillary to give the “honor speech” for his media prize to “Merkel” — that would be German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

There are many, many more instances of this kind of pay-for-play corruption, and you can read them on the Judicial Watch website. Also, there is much more to the Clintons’ Russia connections, as Investors Business Daily lays out on their website.

“I’m not sure how much more evidence of pay for play, classified information mishandling, and influence peddling from Clinton’s email server one would need to show a serious criminal investigation is required,” said Judicial Watch chief Tom Fitton.

Yet, only Trump and his inner circle remain targeted, and for no legitimate reason. Ever wonder why?

J.D. Heyes is a senior writer for NaturalNews.com and NewsTarget.com, as well as editor of The National Sentinel.

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