The Marxist Left is all about extending voting rights to illegal aliens but doesn’t want U.S. military personnel to cast ballots

The default position of the American Left is that everyone should be able to vote if they are inside the country, whether they are citizens or not.

But one of the most-Left of the Left-wing groups, the misnamed-Center for American Progress, founded by long-time Clinton operative John Podesta, doesn’t want American military personnel to have that right — as citizens of our great nation and its protectors.

As a way of perpetuating the fake news narrative that “Russia stole the election” by “helping Donald J. Trump” defeat Hillary, the center just released a 245-page report titled, “Election Security in All 50 States.”

In it the center noted:

By now, the American people have been alerted to many vulnerabilities in the country’s election systems, including the relative ease of voting machine hacking, threats to voter registration systems and voter privacy, and disinformation campaigns waged by foreign nation-states aimed at confusing voters and inciting conflict. If left unaddressed, these vulnerabilities threaten to undermine the stability of our democratic system. Free and fair elections are a central pillar of our democracy. Through them, Americans make choices about the country’s future—what policies will be enacted and who will represent their interests in the states, Congress, and beyond. 

Two things. First of all, while the Department of Homeland Security recently stated that foreign state actors (Russia) may have penetrated some state voting systems, no votes were changed. “[L]et me be clear,” said Jeanette Manfra, National Protection and Programs Directorate (NPPD) Assistant Secretary for the Office of Cybersecurity and Communications, “we have no evidence – old or new – that any votes in the 2016 elections were manipulated by Russian hackers.”

Second, she stated that American media outlets reporting otherwise (NBC News, I’m looking at you), were simply wrong to suggest that U.S. voting systems were particularly vulnerable.

But the truth doesn’t matter when you’re a Left-wing organization hell-bent on helping the American Communist Party, a.k.a., today’s Democrats, obtain power any way possible, even if it means spreading a false narrative and, in the case of the Center for American Progress, keeping U.S. service personnel out of elections.

As reported by The Western Journal, the group’s policy paper recommends, among other things, preventing Americans living abroad — including military personnel stationed out of the country — from submitting ballots through electronic means, such as fax or email.

In particular, the report took aim at the state of Colorado, even though it was given an overall grade of “B” in terms of electronic ballot security. The center was critical of the state for allowing its citizens to vote electronically.

“Colorado should prohibit voters stationed or living overseas from returning voted ballots electronically,” the report reads. “Regardless of the state’s secure ballot return system for electronically voted ballots, we recommend that all voted ballots be returned by mail or delivered in person.”

Well, that’s great — except that mail delivery takes a great deal of time, delivery in person is out of the question, and other Americans living abroad can vote electronically. (Related: Going Old School to secure elections: A group of senators proposes to return to paper ballots for U.S. elections.)

Colorado’s Republican secretary of state, Wayne Williams, dismissed the center’s recommendations as impractical and constitutionally suspect.

“They don’t believe someone who works on a submarine should be allowed to vote,” he said in a statement. “We do.”

As I wrote earlier, the Center is traditionally all-in for voting rights, even to the point of giving the right to people who shouldn’t even be in our country.

One group, Colorado Peak Politics, sees a political motivation.

“You can bet that if the military historically voted Democrat instead of Republican, the Center for American Progress would not have a problem with it,” the site observed.


J.D. Heyes is a senior writer for and, as well as editor of The National Sentinel.

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