California trying to gobble up more electoral votes and Senate seats with a three-way state split

After years of trying, the man who wants to bust up California into three separate states has just won a victory, even though he’s a long way off from realizing his dream.

Tim Draper, a Silicon Valley venture capitalist who sponsored Tuesday’s ballot measure, was smiling when, after the results were counted, a majority of Californians approved putting the issue to the entire state Nov. 6.

The plan Draper put forth envisions two new states — Northern California and Southern California — with the rump state of California existing only as a small six-county entity that includes Los Angeles in the south and Monterey in the north.

The current capital of Sacramento would be in Northern California; Southern Cal would include Fresno, Bakersfield, Riverside, and much of the state’s farm production and water rights.

“Three states will get us better infrastructure, better education and lower taxes,” Draper said in an email to The Los Angeles Times a year ago when he submitted his proposal to state officials. “States will be more accountable to us and can cooperate and compete for citizens.”

What’s also true if — and it’s a very big if — Draper’s ambitious plan makes it over a myriad of hurdles still to go, there would be four additional seats in the U.S. Senate; four of the six or even five of six would most likely go to the Marxist Party, otherwise known as the Democrats.

What could go wrong?

The Times explained the process:

The proposal aims to invoke Article IV, Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution, the provision guiding how an existing state can be divided into new states. … Nothing about Draper’s historic demarcation of democracy would be easy. Were voters to approve his ballot measure, the effort would need the blessing of both houses of the California Legislature — lawmakers who, in a sense, would be asked to abandon their posts. … From there, the plan would need congressional approval. Here, too, politics would presumably play a major role.

At issue, really, is whether Democrats who currently run California and their federally elected office holders in D.C. believe that giving up a sure two U.S. Senate seats for possibly as many as three more is worth it. And in that respect, they’ll likely conclude that it is. (Related: If Calexit succeeds, global communists will take advantage of an anti-American sovereign state.)

Stealing power

If all you care about is power and you don’t mind destroying an entire state to obtain it, why wouldn’t you?

Political scientist David Faris certainly doesn’t mind. In the age of POTUS Trump, he’s especially anxious to tear down in order to win power permanently. In an interview with the Left-wing publication Vox, Faris laid out his master ‘Democrats take all, forever’ plan, which included busting up California, violating the Constitution to grant statehood to D.C., and making Puerto Rico a state as well (even though the last time Puerto Ricans voted on the issue they said, ‘No thanks’).

He says without offering proof that our founders never envisioned a state with 38 million people having the same voice in Congress’ upper chamber as a very small state, a notion he calls “absurd” and “not fair or democratic.”

That’s completely false.

Our founders never envisioned that senators would be selected democratically at all, at least not in the sense that Faris means (by the people). Before states ratified the 17th Amendment in 1913, senators were selected in the manner our founders intended — by state legislators. Senators were supposed to represent state interests in Congress while House members represented the people.

When the 17th Amendment passed, states lost their representation in the national Congress.

Faris and his Marxist pals are hypocritically arguing that California is too big to be “ruled by Sacramento,” yet they want California and additional rump states to produce more representatives and electoral votes so they can tip the balance and rule the entire country.

Democrats will destroy anything to steal power.

Read more about secession at

J.D. Heyes is also editor-in-chief of The National Sentinel.

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