Red Alert: Democrats are trying to undo the American Revolution – ‘Big Tech’ going all-in to steal 2020 election for Globalists as the left’s dark agenda comes in to clear focus

Back on February 1st, Breitbart put out this story focusing on censorship within which talk radio show host Dennis Prager warned we had entered a ‘dark age‘ because of the “left’s control of Silicon Valley, academia and the media.

(Article by Stefan Stanford republished from

As we have been reporting on ANP since the 2016 election and as Susan Duclos had specifically reported on ANP back on February 15th, ‘big tech‘ and their censorship of independent and Conservative media has reached Orwellian levels in 2019 as 2020 approaches and ‘the left‘ tries to shut down or drown out any voices which don’t parrot their talking points.

Having learned their lessons after the 2016 election, the very last thing Silicon Valley, the academia and the msm want is a repeat in 2020 and while they excel at the censorship game having had years to perfect it, as Susan also reported on ANP back on February 28th, some game-changing tech alternatives are springing up fast that have the potential to level the playing field as 2020 draws near.

And while Justus Knight recently reported upon the sinister plans that the globalists have to ensure that President Trump won’t win the election in 2020, using a multi-pronged attack including trickery and deceit to thwart POTUS’s bid to put America first, the fact that Americans are awakening to leftist insanity as the Democrats move ever farther left has even the bookies in Las Vegas now listing President Trump as the heavy favorite to win in 2020 despite the media’s hatred of him.

And while they’ve also gone all-out to try to take All News Pipeline out of this fight for the future of America by hacking us offline and censoring us, thanks to you, ANP readers, we are still in this battle. And make no mistake about it, as Andrew Breitbart fully understood, this is war. First, from the Breitbart story with much more below.

Left-wing axioms, premises, and narratives are increasingly accepted as articles of faith within a progressively censorious society, warned Dennis Prager.

“This is what we are now at in the Orwellian world that the left has created,” assessed Prager. “Any difference is not debated. It is evil. So if you say America is not racist, you are a racist.”

Prager continued, “If you say, ‘Well, wait a minute, there really isn’t a wage gap if you factor in hours worked and a whole host of other fair criteria,’ then you’re a misogynist. So there’s a list of things that you are, so that the left never, ever, ever has to to debate you.”

If you are not on the left. You are to be shut down. We have never, ever had anything like this in American history. We are in a dark age because of the left’s control of Silicon Valley, academia, and media. It’s a dark age that we are living in right now, and it is entirely left-wing induced.”

“The question really is at what point will the average American realize that the left is undoing the American Revolution?” asked Prager. “And I mean that literally. I don’t mean that figuratively. I don’t mean that as an attack. It’s as factual as two plus two is four.”

As we had reported on ANP on March 7thall the way back in 1965, radio show host Paul Harvey had delivered a fascinating monologue which pinpointed with stunning accuracy what America would look like 50+ years later and he did it by pointing out what he’d do if he were the devil. First taking down America and then turning us against one another as we’ve been witnessing over the past few years, specifically by the mainstream media, Harvey had also nailed the mainstream media as being complicit in the undermining and destruction of America as well, just as we’re witnessing.

And while there was no such ‘beast‘ as ‘big tech‘ back in 1965, with Silicon Valley still over a decade away from exploding as the center of the ‘tech universe, if Harvey could have seen the Orwellian censorship that they’d have cast upon America, his ‘devil‘ couldn’t have planned it better than google, youtube, twitter and facebook. Yet as we’ll see in this section, even the iron fist hold of ‘big tech‘ over America is rapidly deteriorating.

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