Why isn’t left-wing LinkedIn co-founder who bankrolled Russia hoax election meddling being ARRESTED for the very same crimes Mueller claims the Russians committed?

In recent days, a federal court granted a six-month extension to the grand jury convened by Robert Mueller, ending speculation that the special counsel ordained by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to investigate alleged “collusion” between the 2016 Trump campaign and Mother Russia was ending soon.

The Hill confirmed the report, and CNN claimed that the extension was for six months. If Mueller ends his probe then, it will have lasted roughly two years.

To this point, Mueller has indicted some Russians and Russian firms for alleged “election meddling” in 2016; gotten convictions on two Trump associates that had nothing to do with collusion or Moscow; and a confession from former Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn whom Mueller has recommended serve no jail time. Nothing on POTUS Trump and nothing else on Russia.

And yet, it isn’t as though there hasn’t been any election meddling whatsoever. It’s just that it hasn’t all come from Russia. There has been plenty right here in our own country, and yet Mueller seems oblivious to it or simply doesn’t care.

In recent weeks The New York Times has actually done some good reporting for a change. The paper reported Dec. 19 that a small tech firm ran a “Russian-style” false flag operation as an “experiment” in a special election for U.S. Senate in Alabama between GOP candidate Roy Moore and Democrat Doug Jones. The tech firm, New Knowledge, just happens to be the same one that wrote a highly critical report of Russian meddling for the Senate Intelligence Committee.

Jones wound up beating Moore in an extremely red state; in fact, the seat used to belong to former Attorney General Jeff Sessions. And while one of the project participants, Jonathon Morgan, claimed the operation was “too small” (costing $100,000) to affect the outcome, that belies the purpose of the project. (Related: Alabama AG probing whether Dem disinfo campaign cost Roy Moore U.S. Senate race in 2017.)

The Alabama project was funded by Left-wing billionaire Reid Hoffman, co-founder of LinkedIn, The Daily Caller reported. That’s important because the news site noted in a separate report that Democratic operatives funded by Hoffman also ran a similar “false flag” operation during the 2018 midterms in which they worked to suppress GOP voter turnout (Republicans lost the House to Democrats, as you recall, though they increased their majority in the Senate).

Why isn’t Democratic election meddling wrong?

According to the report, American Engagement Technologies (AET), which was founded by Mikey Dickerson, a former Obama administration official, purchased ads for a pair of Facebook pages, “The Daily Real,” and “Today’s Nation,” in which posts on both pages sought to encourage GOP voters to sit out the midterms by staying away from the polls.

The Daily Caller noted:

Both pages appear to be designed to give the impression that they were operated by frustrated conservatives rather than by Democratic operatives.

The American flag-adorned pages encouraged conservative voters to either stay home in November or vote for Democrats to punish Republicans for being insufficiently conservative. Other ads called polls predicting a “blue wave” in the 2018 elections “unreliable” and downplayed the election’s importance.

How effective were the ads? It’s difficult to say, but they did collect millions of impressions, according to a review of Facebook’s archives by the news site.

As for Hoffman, who was an early investor in Facebook, he has admitted to funding AET after he and the firm were discovered to have taken part in the false flag operation involving the Moore-Jones race in Alabama.

Mueller’s Trump-Russian collusion witch hunt has been given an extension, though no one from the Trump campaign has been identified as having “meddled” in the 2016 election.

But there is plenty of evidence Democratic operatives have been meddling in our elections since then. Why haven’t they been indicted by the special counsel?

Read more about Robert Mueller’s ongoing witch hunt against POTUS Trump at RobertMueller.news.

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