Dishonest Democrats trying to steal the election in Georgia, too

As post-midterm election attention has largely been focused on efforts by Democrats in Florida to reverse Republican victories, Democrats are also working overtime in neighboring Georgia to steal the gubernatorial race there.

Democrat Stacy Abrams was the clear loser last week, falling behind GOP Secretary of State Brian Kemp by tens of thousands of votes. But like her compatriots in the Sunshine State, she is refusing to concede.

As Breitbart News reports, she, too, has brought in a small army of Democratic lawyers in a desperate attempt to rewrite state voting laws through the courts while ensuring that thousands of ballots that have mysteriously appeared — and favor her — be counted.

The Associated Press reported further that she had amassed three dozen attorneys who plan to create a court petition replete with affidavits from voters and ‘would-be’ voters who will allege that they were “disenfranchised” during the midterms.

Under Georgia law, losing candidates are permitted to challenge election results if the challenge is based on alleged “misconduct, fraud or irregularities…sufficient to change or place in doubt the results.”

And let’s not assume for a New York minute that this wasn’t her plan all along.

Breitbart reports:

Allegra Lawrence-Hardy, Abrams’ campaign chair, said that her legal team is “considering all options,” which also includes federal court remedies. Some Democratic legal observers note Abrams would be dependent on statues that set a high bar for the court to intervene.

Kemp has held the lead throughout this challenge process and was even expected to be declared the winner on Friday. He has said what Abrams is attempting to do is nothing more than a “publicity stunt” while labeling her refusal to concede her loss a “ridiculous temper tantrum.”

Either way, experts say she has little chance of winning and overturning the will of the people. Initial results show that Kemp won by 18,000 votes or roughly 50.2 percent of the vote. That puts him over the threshold requirement of a majority victory which means there will be no runoff on Dec. 4, as Abrams wants.

In an interview with the AP, Lawrence-Hardy said Abrams is of the opinion that many of her supporters — who, of course, are low-income, minority voters who don’t regularly cast ballots — decided to go to the polls and vote but instead faced insurmountable electoral barriers, though she failed to say what those were.

“These stories to me are such that they have to be addressed,” Lawrence-Hardy said. “It’s just a much bigger responsibility. I feel like our mandate has blossomed. … Maybe this is our moment.”

Democrats can’t accept defeat

She should have finished her statement with, “…to steal this election.” (Related: Massive election fraud in Florida reveals the deep deception of Democrats… they do this in every election, too.)

To any thinking, reasonable person, regardless of which political party they support, it’s obvious Democrats are doing all they can to thwart the will of the majority in their respective states. It’s also obvious that they have no respect whatsoever for our democratic electoral processes.

If Democrats in these races had pulled out victories, they would have been demanding — demanding — that Republicans accept the results (and Republicans would have, by the way). Just remember when, prior to the 2016 presidential election, Hillary Clinton feigned outrage at Donald Trump’s refusal during their final debate to promise he would accept the results if he lost.

“That’s horrifying,” she said, adding that he was “talking down our democracy.”

Clinton still hasn’t accepted that she was defeated by a real estate mogul and reality TV host — who, by the way, is turning out to be a fantastic president.

And neither has the Democrat Party. They regularly suggest that POTUS Trump isn’t “legitimate” because Clinton won a majority of votes (all in California) and ‘Russia helped steal the election,’ a ridiculous claim for which there is no evidence despite two years of searching.

There is a party attempting to undermine our republic. And it has a donkey as its mascot.

Read more about Democratic vote fraud at

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