Without the Electoral College, middle America will be forgotten and ignored as all candidates pander to the liberal masses in coastal cities

Under normal circumstances, conservatives could take heart that all of the things the Left-wing Democrats are doing to undermine our electoral processes and government institutions is a sign that the only way the Donkey Party can beat us is by cheating.

But alas, these are not normal times. Today’s Democrat Party has become much more overtly extremist than in times past. It’s become much more focused on power — taking power at any cost, even if it means destroying our system of government and our country as founded.

That’s the only way to explain many of the party’s policy objectives and legislative priorities that have been bandied about by various freshmen Democrats and 2020 presidential contenders: Getting rid of the Electoral College; packing the Supreme Court with liberal justices; ignoring duly-passed laws; lowering the federal voting age to 16.

All of these things can be considered very extreme because they represent policy objectives that are not designed to preserve our constitutional republic but rather to destroy it and replace it with a Leftist authoritarian system where the rights of some are more equal, the “wrong” opinions are suppressed or punished, and the parts of the Constitution that serve as an impediment to Democratic political objectives are ignored or changed by judicial or executive fiat.

Taken together, these measures would transform America into a country our founding fathers not only wouldn’t recognize but never wanted. But perhaps the most dangerous of these initiatives is the effort to bypass the Electoral College.

You’ve heard Democrats complain that twice since 2000 the presidential contender who won the popular vote did not wind up winning the presidency. That’s because they lost the Electoral College tally, and that’s the body that elects presidents. The Left complains that the institution is an insult to democracy — an anachronism that deprives the people of their chosen leader.

In fact, the founders established the electoral college for the express purpose of shielding the election of presidents from the general public. They did that, in part, because they didn’t want Americans in the largest population centers selecting the president in election after election. They believed that allowing presidents to be selected via “direct democracy” would give far too few regions of the country far too much power. They also believed that a general public could be manipulated by a corrupt process or media (sound familiar?). 

Too few of our institutions work as designed as it is

So they adopted an electoral system whereby electors are chosen by their respective parties. It was the fairest way they could come up with to elect presidents outside of a direct vote — direct democracy, as the Left calls it today — which they viewed as disastrous for the country. 

The Left disagrees, of course, which is why Democrats are pushing the National Popular Vote Compact, which calls for states to award all of their electors to the presidential candidate who won the most votes. It doesn’t ‘eliminate’ the electoral college, it just neuters the original intent behind it. 

Backers of the compact say it’s more ‘fair’ because it puts ‘all states in play.’ Even then-President-elect Donald Trump agreed with that concept during a Nov. 13, 2016 interview — just days after he beat Hillary Clinton because he won more electoral votes.

But the compact won’t put ‘all states in play.’ As the founders feared, only the biggest states and the biggest cities will be frequented by presidential candidates, just like now, as they seek a ‘majority.’ And given today’s media and polling technology, candidates will know where to go to stoke their base and which parts of the country to avoid. (Related: Bill Maher perfectly demonstrates the deep-rooted BIGOTRY of the intolerant Left, says Middle Americans are stupid redneck liberal wannabes.)

Democrats want to bypass the electoral college because it is a constitutional construct that sometimes blocks them from taking power. When their presidential candidate wins the electoral college, they suddenly love it.

Too much of our Constitution as founded has already been repealed, changed, or negated. Maybe that’s why fewer and fewer of our institutions work as designed.

Here’s a great primer/explainer about the importance of maintaining the electoral college bequeathed to us by our founders from Prager University:

Read more about the Left’s destruction of our liberty and freedom at Liberty.news and Freedom.news. 

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