When running for office, Democrats pretend to be moderates while Republicans pretend to be conservatives

Americans who are so afflicted with “Trump Derangement Syndrome” can’t see it, of course, but our current president is well on his way to becoming the most honest leader of the Executive Branch in generations.

Even critics of POTUS Donald Trump have had to admit it. Washington Post columnist Marc A. Thiessen, not known to lavish praise on the current occupant of the Oval Office, wrote in October 2018:

Don’t get me wrong, Trump lies all the time. … But when it comes to the real barometer of presidential truthfulness — keeping his promises — Trump is a paragon of honesty. For better or worse, since taking office Trump has done exactly what he promised he would.

But while our president may be destined to go down in history as inherently honest, juxtapose his honesty with politicians and 2020 candidates from both parties, and you can see there are major “truth” gaps among them. (Related: Why should anyone obey the law anymore?)

South Bend, Ind. Mayor Pete Buttigieg: This new, young darling of the Democrat Party, one of nearly 20 candidates competing for the party’s presidential nomination, is running as a political moderate Navy veteran who is really just another radical Leftist in centrist clothing.

As noted by The Daily Wire’s Ryan Saavedra, Buttigieg “has made a name for himself in recent weeks by attacking the religious beliefs of traditional-minded Christians, playing the victim card, and riding on the mainstream media’s infatuation of him and his campaign.”

A Navy veteran who is homosexual (which he did not divulge before enlisting), Buttigieg is all-in for full-on, 100-percent, government-run healthcare, for instance, though it will cost taxpayers an eye-watering $3 trillion or more each year. He also supports Democratic Socialist Alexandria Ocacio-Cortez’s ridiculous, government-centric “Green New Deal,” wants to get rid of the Electoral College, and would pack the Supreme Court with judicial activists as president (even socialist Bernie Sanders hasn’t signed off on that).

Sen. Kamala Harris: Barely into her first term as a U.S. senator, Kamala Harris of California now thinks she has enough experience to lead the country (sounds like Obama, doesn’t it?). And yet, she’s already proven she is a political chameleon — willing to say anything to get elected.

Like the rest of the Left-wing lunatics she is running against for president, Harris is an anti-gun zealot who, if given enough power to do so, would eviscerate the Second Amendment. But in recent days she ‘admitted’ that she owns a handgun for self-defense — while at the same time claiming that you don’t have a right to a semi-automatic rifle for the same purpose.

Sen. Mitt Romney: This Utah ‘Republican’ ran as a fiscal and social conservative who supports an originalist view of our Constitution. “Powers not reserved to the federal government must be returned to the states. States should guide their own policies regarding such matters as education, transportation, healthcare, care for the poor, and school safety,” says his campaign website. “Laws should originate with the Legislative branch, not the Judicial branch or unelected bureaucrats.”

There has been no bigger champion of true conservative principles and policies than POTUS Trump, and that includes the modern-era ‘father’ of conservative presidents, Ronald Reagan. And yet, Romney has become one of Trump’s biggest detractors, even going so far as to claim he was “sickened” by Robert Mueller’s biased “investigation” report — despite the fact that the entire purpose behind Mueller’s probe was a coup attempt and fabrication by the Obama administration. 

There are other examples — Paul Ryan, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, the late John McCain — of politicians running on one side of the issues but supporting the other side of them once elected. 

POTUS Trump, however, is a very pleasant exception.

Read more about President Trump’s efforts to dismantle big government and restore the Constitution at BigGovernment.news and Trump.news.

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